Saturday 5 May 2012

App to manipulate dreams

Here's another odd technology thing I've found on my travels, take a look

Essentially, it is an app that seeks to control your dreams.
It's interesting to me and my work because it is a complete opposite to how my work works at the moment.
Let me explain, my work has been about the direct contrast between daily life and sleep. You can control your day as much as your wish, but dreams are not controllable, or so I thought.
It is an Iphone app that you set what you want to dream about, for example cats, you then set it next to your bed, and it will send out cat sounds every so often, using it's knowledge of sleep patters.
Now, I am aware of 'lucid dreaming' which is when you attempt to control your dreams by making yourself aware that you are dreaming (more info here-
So really, the app is just an extension of lucid dreaming, but it would appear that it happens in a more precise way, and requires little, if any mental process from you.
I am interested to try it, although I don't have an Iphone, so that makes it a little difficult, maybe I could just invent a makeshift version of my own?

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