Friday, 30 March 2012

After painting

Good morning reader, well, can you call it morning if you haven't slept and the sun isn't up yet? Perhaps not..
It's quarter to five and I've just finished around three hours of painting.
Why so late?
Well, everything gets quiet at this time of day, almost everyone is asleep, rarely will you get a text, phone call, or email which sends your phone into attention mode. No interruptions from other people, just time to lose yourself in the paint and the process.
I always seem to think about one particular line in a film when I paint. I used to think it's just because I like the film and have watched it so much.. The line is from The Notebook, when asked why she paints, the female character replies with "Everything gets sort of quiet, I usually have so many thoughts running round in my head, but when I paint it's just..quiet"
Something along those lines, but, I get it.

I was working on two separate pieces which I wasn't happy with.
The first is a seascape but the colours were all wrong and I'm very pleased with how it looks now, all I need to do is play the waiting game to see how it looks when it's dry, this should take about a day or so.
Now, the second, I was loosely basing on a photograph. It's a very beautiful image, and the lighting is stunning. Through working on it, and re-working it, and re-working it some more, I have come to the conclusion that you can't control some pieces, with boundaries and certain colours. The beauty of painting is you get to decide these thing for yourself, and sticking to the photograph of a certain moment will probably not get you anywhere.
The canvas is now a blank, I meant it to go white but it's more green because of the wet paints mixing's out of my control for now..
Pictures to follow in the morning, and when I say morning, I mean afternoon, after a long sleep.
Same again tomorrow night?

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