Sunday, 22 April 2012

Images of this terms work

You may have noticed that I haven't actually shown my work for my uni project for this term. Don't worry, here are a few images to give you an idea of what I've been doing- allow me to explain...
 The idea behind the project came from getting a new phone at Christmas, a Blackberry, with internet access and instant messaging. I had never had a phone connected to the internet before, and was finding the email and Facebook notifications overwhelming and intrusive in my daily life. It was then I had the idea to write down every time my phone went off, to try and monitor exactly how much the technology was influencing my day to day life. The project snowballed from there, and soon I was writing down, and colour coding every part of my routine. It became and overview of my life, especially when I began involving my dreams, that started because I  was concious of the fact that my phone is always near me, including when I am asleep.
Have a look at the images, (they are photocopies from the diary I was keeping) and see what you think. The work may need some more explaining, but for now, here it is.

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